Monday, February 25, 2008

Calling All Guest Bloggers!

Would you like to guest blog here? I'd love to have you join me to discuss your books, publishing and things of a metaphysical nature. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and check out the calendar. Let me know what date you'd like to be a guest blogger (one person per day please - Monday - Friday) and I'll put you on the calendar.

I am scheduling guest bloggers on the same dates as The Reader's Round Table (RRT on the calendar) because they are two separate things.



1 comment:

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

HI Melissa,

I have a paranormal novella (a ghostly romantic comedy) called Death by Delilah coming out April 11th and would like to guest blog around that time, but I'll be speaking at a conference on 4/11!
