When Melissa/Ariana asked me to blog today and gave me free rein on what to blog about, I was thrilled! And stumped.
After all, what can I say that hasn’t already been said in another blog post, article, interview or any other of the numerous exploits I’ve participated in on the Web?
So, I visited her blog to see what other authors are talking about, which is their books.
Great! But which one do I talk about?
Most would answer, “Your latest.”
Okay….which latest…latest published, latest in print, latest contracted?
What a dilemma!
No, I’m NOT complaining, LOL!
After writing for more than 25 yrs this is the place I longed to be: Multi-published, multi-contracted, and still more to go.
This is the place many writers long to be.
But may I take a moment to caution you, Dear Writer Friend?
Be careful and be smart
when it comes to your career and balance your writing with the rest of your life.
Who am I to say all of this?
I am Pamela S Thibodeaux and I write “Inspirational with an Edge!” romantic/women’s fiction. I’ve always been an avid reader and after one-too-many insipid little romances I figured I could do better. I was pregnant at the time I had this revelation and to this day cannot tell you if the book was really all that bad or if I just had a hormonal moment, but that was the impetus to my writing career which began in 5-subject notebooks way back then.
I’ve come a long way since that time. Today I have 4 novels, 3 short stories and numerous articles and essays to my credit and 2 more novels due out this year.
How do I do all this and maintain a family, a full-time job, and still act as President/Treasurer of a local writers’ group?
Honestly, I have no idea. Half the time I just fumble along, do what needs to be done and let the chips fall where they may. J
Here’s a little about my books…..My 4 (maybe one day 5) part ‘Tempered’ series is published through Com Star Media, LLC.
Tempered Hearts, Tempered Dreams and Tempered Fire are available in Ebook and Print.
Tempered Joy is due out this year.
My debut single-title novel, The Inheritance is published through The Wild Rose Press
and is also available in Ebook and Print.
My short story ebooks, Cathy’s Angel, Choices, and A Hero for Jessica
are also published through The Wild Rose Press and are available as downloads only.
I have written numerous articles and essays over the years that have appeared in both print and electronic publications, many of them can be found @ Associated Content. The rest of my articles and essays will be posted when I have the time.
Last but definitely not least, my debut Women’s Fiction title, The Visionary, is coming this year from Enspiren Press.
Okay, now you have my life in a nutshell, so what more is there to say?
Not much really so I’ll end this post with wishing you the best of God’s BLESSINGS on you and yours!
Until later, take care and remember…..Love and peace are magical emotions so share love and peace and both will abound in your life.
Pamela S Thibodeaux
“Inspirational with an Edge!”