Friday, April 25, 2008

Guest Blogger - Tracey H. Kitts

Why do we like werewolves?

What is it about these deadly creatures that has captured the imagination of so many people? Is it their strength, their power? Is it their ability to reveal the animal within? Or is it something more? After all, beauty has always been drawn to the beast.

In Red, book one in my werewolf hunter series I say, “It is not a coincidence that before people on other continents were aware of each other, they had all developed their version of the same legend.”

But am I wrong? Was there ever such a thing as werewolves or do we all just long to unleash the beast sometimes? Everyone has experienced a moment at some point in their lives, whether it was brought about by pain or pleasure where they just wanted to growl. Is that merely our inherent primal instinct or something wild within?

Perhaps we yearn for the long forgotten freedom of our cave dwelling ancestors. Or maybe we just love a hairy chest. It sure would be great to wolf out on the boss sometime or flash some amber eyes at that annoying guy who always gives you the wrong change at the video store.

Or better yet, how great would it be to mate for life? To give that kind of commitment without doubt, protection without a price. Do we envy the ability to give ourselves completely, no matter what the cause?

Whatever your reasoning may be, the world loves werewolves. Whether it’s movies or books, the werewolf has graced the covers of more magazines and more silver screens than anyone except Dracula.

For some it’s his raw sex appeal that keeps them coming back for more of the furry type. For others it’s the idea of being able to kick some serious butt the way most werewolves do. I mean, have you ever seen a wimpy one?

So, whatever culture you’re from in whatever part of the world, it appears that lycanthropes are here to stay. Perhaps lycanthropy is real after all … only it spreads through our imaginations instead of through our bloodstream.

Tracey H. Kitts is the author of the Lilith Mercury: Werewolf Hunter Series with New Concepts Publishing.

For more information on Tracey and her books, you can find her at or

To watch the book trailers or just have some fun you can also visit Tracey’s Blog.

Be a friend:)

Join the pack

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Romantic Times BOOKreviews gives Talgorian Prophecy 4 Stars!

4 Stars - Hot
Romantic Suspense

Dupré's well plotted and exciting novel grabs the reader. At its center is a wonderful story about lovers reconnecting. This is surrounded by a suspenseful paranormal adventure with several twists that will continually surprise.

Summary: Megan Cassidy has a vision of her son Robbie's abduction. But although she's a renowned psychic, the police don't believe her. Megan knows that a serial killer is using Robbie to get to her, so she turns to her former fiancé Brody Phelps for help.

Brody is the best tracker in West Virginia, and when she tells him who Robbie is, they head into the mountains searching for him. On their journey, they learn about the Talgorian Prophecy and its life-changing ramifications. But first they must rescue Robbie.

Reviewed by Sandra Garcia-Myers
Thank you Sandra!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Guest Blogger Dyan Garris

Please join me in welcoming guest blogger Dyan Garris.

by Dyan Garris

Flashback circa 1993. Like Merlin in his crystal cave, I am surrounded by shimmering multi-colored faceted crystal as I sit at my desk designing a piece of jewelry. The sunlight flows in like liquid gold from the window, plays on the sparkling gemstones, and sends the gift of radiant rainbows all around me. I am surrounded and give up. It is awesome beauty and the magic of the universe at its finest. I breathe it in deeply.

As I am bathed in this pure magnificence, I hear, feel, and sense a presence. This is nothing new or frightening to me, as I am a clairvoyant. I listen quietly as many voices converge into one and these too, I breathe in. I remain still because I know that in the center of that silence is the Truth. I am being asked to write something down. I step over to the computer and begin to write what is soon flowing as smoothly as honey.

I am writing a “journey.” It’s a healing journey. We begin on an island and we pass through several colorful doors and cross a bridge. There is a beautiful blue river and a raft that has no oars. We put the raft in the water, climb in, and float trustingly, since we cannot control where we are going. I feel as if I have visited this place somewhere in time. It feels that real. We play in the waterfall of rainbows, meet the friendly dolphins and receive a gift from them. We leave our troubles in the peaceful clearing and we encounter our guardian angels. The sheer beauty of the journey almost brings me to tears. We look into the mirror and receive answers to our deepest and most puzzling questions. We connect with the light; and when we emerge from this peaceful journey, we return with our whole selves. Yes, I think I have been to this place. It’s as if I’m remembering and bringing that imagery back here.

Flash forward to the present moment. “A Healing Journey” was the beginning and foundation of my current body of work. From that healing journey evolved a deck of angel cards, Each card has its own message from angels in rhythmic quatrain verse and each card is based on a scene from that journey. Then eventually one by one came all of the other tools in the toolbox that I’m almost done building. Six music and meditation CDs for chakra balance and for relaxation and connection to inner wisdom evolved in 2005 and 2006. Words and music flowed like manna from heaven. In 2007 my CD “Release” was born. It is eleven tracks of relaxation music for the purposes of releasing whatever is stuck and keeps one from moving forward on the path. Each CD vibrates progressively higher and “Release” vibrates to the seventh chakra.

Along the path came a journal to use with the cards and one to use with the CDs. And then came other books, each also vibrating progressively higher. At the top of this is “Money and Manifesting,” which teaches people how to unblock their core energy for manifesting. There are two more items that go into the toolbox and very soon it will be a complete system that people can use for spiritual growth and transformation.
As I created this healing journey out of one rainbow filled moment, I lived it in every sense of the word. I pondered many times what it all really meant. I contemplated the bigger picture. In that process I came to have in my possession several keys, which I now share with you. In order to be truly happy and in order to really manifest anything, one must move everything out of their way that blocks their path; and one must learn to align one’s will with universal will. This is what gives us the ability to co-create with the truth of our spirits, rather than demand, like petulant children, that things show up in our lives just because we want them. Our lifetimes here are like a flash in a moment of time. Live like the shining light that you are. Everything here is a learning process, a process of remembering, a process that brings us full circle. It all truly is a healing journey.
For many years Dyan Garris has been counseling clients in order to help them move forward in their lives. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. In addition, Dyan is also what is known as a voice recognition psychic and trance channel. This means that she can help her clients via telephone, which is how she conducted her readings throughout her career.

Dyan is the author, developer and artist of Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards. This is a thirty card deck of angel cards based upon scenes from A Healing Journey Guided Fantasy. Each hand illustrated card has its own channeled message in rhythmic quatrain verse from the angels. Free angel card readings are available on her main website. A journal is available separately as an integrative tool for use with the cards and a meditation journal is available for use with the CDs.

Dyan writes the Daily Channeled Message which posts on her website. Recently she authored The Book of Daily Channeled Messages which is a compilation of inspirational angelic messages to be used for daily guidance or as a bibliomancy tool.

Her book Voice of the Angels Cookbook – Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking is an adventure in opening one’s creative centers and communicating with your food so it can transform from raw ingredients into what truly nourishes you on every level.

In 2005 she created a CD series of instrumental music and meditation for Automatic Chakra Balance™, self-healing, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit. Each CD is available separately, as well as together in a gift basket, and contains several tracks of relaxation music plus a guided meditation on the last track. The CDs have earned the National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval.

Her new CD of instrumental relaxation music “Release” was released in late September 2007. Dyan’s music can be heard nationally and internationally on numerous radio stations. “Release” recently charted at #3 on Music Choice’s cable TV music channel Soundscapes and is currently nominated for New Age Reporter’s “Best Relaxation/Meditation Album of the Year” and “Best Cover Art.” “Illusions” recently charted at #1.

She is a frequent radio guest on the Jay Grayce show at Tribeca Radio in New York City and has been interviewed by numerous other radio hosts. Recently, Mystic Pop Magazine interviewed her for their January/February issue. Living In Style TV featured her products in their 2007 holiday show.

Dyan Garris is the author of Voice of the Angels Spiritual Cards, The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking, and Fish Tale of Woe – Lost at Sea. In 2005 she created a series of music and meditation CDs for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance,™ and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit.

Media Inquiries: Margarita Miranda-Abate,

Money and Manifesting - Summary

By Dyan Garris

Money and Manifesting is more than a manual about how to apply the laws of attraction and think positively. It teaches you the real secrets of manifesting. Here you will learn what really stands in the way of manifesting, how to unblock the energy flow of money, and how to actually transform energy to get what you desire.

The Law of Attraction is part of what you need to know to manifest, but it is only one part of the process. We do not ultimately create anything with just the power of our minds. While the power of the mind plays a very important part in manifesting, the very seat of creation is in our base chakra.

In the book Money and Manifesting you will learn how to unblock, activate, and integrate the energy of every chakra so you can effectively create exactly what you desire to create. For those that have tried in vain to implement the Law of Attraction, this book will help you understand exactly why this hasn’t worked for you. And it will teach you exactly what you need to do to learn to manifest.

In addition to this, parts of the book are fictionalized. There is a good story here too that anyone can relate to. When we can relate, identify, and see ourselves reflected, we then have a platform for change. The book is written this way so that while you are reading it, you are already actively engaging in the process of left brain/right brain integration. This is a first and necessary step to manifesting anything. When you’re done reading, you’ve already had an exercise in integration and you’re on your way to manifesting. You will feel an automatic shift.

“It is not enough to think positively, repeat affirmations, and attract positive energy. We must implement and integrate this learning into our daily lives. This is the real secret of manifesting money. It is the real secret to manifesting anything.” – Dyan Garris, author of Money and Manifesting


Nicholas Fortuna...............................................1
What’s Wrong With Positive Thinking? .........7
The Root Chakra.............................................10
Why Positive Thoughts and Passion Are Not Enough............................................12
The Other Chakras and The Law of Attraction ...............................................13
Success – The Measure of Success .................14
Carla ...............................................................17
Barriers to Manifesting – Patterns, Belief Systems, and Illusions.................23
Poverty Consciousness....................................23
Duality Consciousness.....................................27
Karma .............................................................28
Entitlement .....................................................29
The Illusion of Separation ...............................31
The Illusion of Limitation................................33
Fifteen Million Dollars.....................................37
Illusions of the Linear Mind – Perceptions.......39
The Khaki Shorts.............................................39
Person A & Person B.......................................41
The Illusion of Time........................................43
Lucky ..............................................................45
Chakra Balance and Stuck Energy ...................51
The First Chakra .............................................53
The Second Chakra.........................................55
The Third Chakra............................................58
The Fourth Chakra..........................................61
The Fifth Chakra.............................................63
The Sixth Chakra ............................................65
The Seventh Chakra........................................67
Yantras and Mantras........................................69
Elayne .............................................................77
Chakra Balancing – Part I................................85
Breathing & Relaxation Techniques.................87
Prana Breathing...............................................88
Centering ........................................................90
Create a Sanctuary...........................................92
Chakra Balancing – Part II.............................101
Patterns, Habits, Change and the Mind, Body, Spirit Team...............................................107
The Integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit......112
Money as Energy – Breaking Down the Barriers to Manifesting..............................123
The Feng Shui Money Tree – Something Out of Nothing................................................127
Lucky ............................................................131
Working with the Energy of Money...............135
Debt and Financial Responsibility .................137
Lucky ............................................................141
Manifesting 101 ............................................143
Responsibility and Choices............................145
Lucky and Nicholas.......................................147
Green Lights..................................................149
The Basic Principles of Manifesting................151
Don’t Give Up – Let Go and Release..............153
Lucky ............................................................157
Carla .............................................................159
Being Grateful ...............................................165
Judgments .....................................................166
Forgiveness ...................................................167
Carla .............................................................169

The very first thing to understand about money is that we do not “make” money. We create and open pathways to the flow of the energy of money. Money is energy. In and of itself it has no power. The power it has is our perception that it has power and this is what fuels the energy of money. These perceptions stem from illusion, perspectives, and deep seated belief systems.

If we understand these concepts as a basis, then we can begin to understand that we need to learn to open pathways of energy flow. Part of that process is learning how energy works, how we can utilize that energy, and subsequently learn to manifest.

What makes this book different is that you will learn how to actually transform energy and learn how to integrate energy and align the mind, body, and spirit so that the things you are manifesting can actually occur. This is called synchronicity.

The magic of synchronicity can’t happen if your will isn’t aligned with universal will because we cannot manifest from a place of ego, which is the place of wants, needs, and desires. This is the place where the mind decides what it wants irrespective of what the spirit came to do.
And synchronicity can’t happen if you don’t integrate and implement the learning. Reading about how to manifest is one thing. Thinking positive thoughts is another thing. But actually implementing, and clearing a pathway for the energy to travel on and then integrating, is quite another matter.

The energy of money resides in the root chakra. In order to manifest anything we need to understand the chakra system, why it’s a factor, and learn how to balance and clear our chakras and chakra system. You will learn how to do that here as well. It is not difficult. But it is integral to the process of manifesting anything.

And we will be breaking down the illusion of money as it relates to self worth. Money as we know it is basically pieces of paper. Those that have learned to equate their intrinsic value and ultimate “success” with money should seriously consider when they became pieces of paper.

These illusions and perspectives have to do with learned patterns and belief systems; and here you will learn about these things, where they originated from and what to do about them too.
We will go beyond positive thinking and “you are what you attract” and “you are what you think about.” While those things are certainly true, just knowing about those or engaging in positive thinking doesn’t take you to the next steps.

Positive thinking and affirmations do not necessarily lead you to learning how to actually create money flow in your life. You have to integrate the positive thoughts into your belief system as truth. They have to take true form in the chakra system and replace the old patterns. This is what we can then build a foundation on, and subsequently an amazing new house.

You will learn how to integrate the energy of mind, body, and spirit and thus be able to attract and create anything you choose, not just money.

I wrote the book the way I did for a reason. That is so that while you’re reading it you’re engaging left brain, right brain, and the different chakras as well. The book itself is an exercise in integration. And the characters each have blocks to manifesting. In one way or another they are each in their own way of getting what they want.

Everything is a reflection; and if you can see yourself reflected here even in one small aspect, you will then have the keys to unlocking the doors to manifesting. All it takes is the knowledge of how to connect the dots, the ability to turn the key in the lock, and the willingness to step through the doors.

Synchronicity is what happens when the mind, body, and spirit are working together as a team.

Manifesting is bringing all layers of the etheric body, mind, physical body, and spirit together in synchronicity.

Value and worth are perceptions.

For much more information about Dyan Garris and Money and Manifesting, visit for complete tour details. To learn about the products Dyan offers, visit her website - You can order your copy of Money and Manifesting from her website or from

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Guest Blogger Ashlyn Chase

If you base your love story on real people, should you tell them?

Death by Delilah is based (loosely!) on my brother’s real life romance with his wife. I dedicated the book to her for making my brother a happy man. He’s gone now and we all miss him terribly, but thanks to her, he had twenty very happy years.

But she doesn’t like erotic romance, or comedy, and as a writer of erotic comedy, well, the story and their characters went though a bit of transformation. On the other hand, so did mine! Yes, I wrote myself into the book. I’m Gabby. The hero’s younger sister. I added a couple of characters too…in the form of two ghosts looking out for Delilah. But even meddling ghosts have challenges and policies to overcome when communicating with the living.

The conflict was real. He was a Naval Officer when they met. She was enlisted. The Navy regulations prevented them from dating and as far as marriage—forget it! They lived together off base and had to come up with a solution to their dilemma before they got caught…and they did!

My solution is more creative and somewhat different from the one they found—unless they didn’t tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth—so help them! It’s well known that for a story to be interesting, even though you may love your characters, you have to torture them a bit. I sincerely hope they didn’t experience the torture I inflicted on Josh and Delilah!

Will I tell my sister-in-law about the book? I doubt it. Will I tell her I dedicated it to her? I don’t know. She probably won’t read it, anyway. She even unsubscribed from my mailing list! Oh well. I’d rather be down one fan than down a family member. What do you think? Should I tell her?

Speaking of my mailing list…I have a contest going on to celebrate the release of Death by Delilah for members only. It’s so easy and the prize is so cool, you’ll have to check it out! Would you like to be in the running for a large Coach designer inspired bag with the logo prominently displayed? All you need to do is be a member of my emailing list. That’s it. I’ll draw a winner from fans willing to put up with an occasional e-mail from me…how hard is that?

Death by Delilah releases Aril 11th from Ellora’s Cave. See all my Ellora’s Cave books here:
Sign up for my mailing list on the front page of my website.

It's Spring Break

Yep, it's that time again. This week is Spring Break for my kids so I've been away from the computer a LOT. We've done Spring cleaning in the house, gone for a five mile walk in this very cool park that we just discovered, and taken Flat Stanley everywhere! Today is pool day so we'll be splish splashing away.

I do have some news to share though. My husband and I just launched two new websites. One is called Friesian Ink an advertising site where you can list horses, trucks, trailers and equine related products for sale and the other is the Friesian Ink Community for horse enthusiasts. I'm also doing a show at Friesian Ink Radio and my first guests are Bobbi Fenderson, President of the Friesian Horse Association of the South East and Bruce and Staci Griffin. They'll be discussing a clinic that Bruce and Staci are conducting in Weirsdale Florida on April 26th presented by FHASE. If you love horses we invite you to come by and check out our sites and tune into the show.

I'll also know if fourteen days if one of our mares is pregnant. They're up in Ocala and boy do I miss them! All we have in the barn right now are two fillies and a stud colt that thinks he's "all that". If it worked, Klaske will be home in two weeks and Whitney in three. We do have several Friesians up for sale. They're listed at Friesian Ink and at our breeder's site at Top Hat Friesians.

Tomorrow my guest blogger is Ashlyn Chase so I hope you can stop by and check out her posts.

I'll be back to regular posting next week!



Thursday, April 03, 2008

Guest Blogger Denise A. Agnew


No, I’m not talking about global warming, a great day spent on a tropical beach, or a heavy duty survival reality show where you’re stuck for weeks on end with hunky men who can make a raft out of palm trees and sunscreen out of an exotic combination of plant and herb. I’m talking about my series at Samhain Publishing

My first story with Samhain Publishing was released in May 2007 and is called MALE CALL. At that time I didn’t have a notion of writing anything in a connected story or series. Bang! One day an idea just came to me. After writing the first story about an Army reservist overseas in Iraq falling in love with his pen pal back home, I knew I had to write about more men who experienced wartime and the women they would love. So, the HOT ZONE series was launched, and I haven’t looked back. All of these stories are set in the fictional small city of Clarksville, Wyoming. Let me give you preliminary blurbs on all the stories in the series.

In October 2007 the next novella came out and it’s called UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. She’s archaeology, he’s Special Ops, and both of them teeter on the edge of stepping into the HOT ZONE. She wants the adventure of a lifetime and isn’t willing to sacrifice it for any man.

Archaeologist Fredricka “Freddie” Bodine returns to her hometown for her twentieth high school reunion, unaware that her old crush, Keith Wallace, has blown back into town. A single memory is etched deeply on her brain—the high school prom where she shared an emotionally revealing dance with him. They’d both left town after graduation, feelings unresolved and teen angst firmly in place. All he wants is to keep the girl he loved and lost safe, even if she hates him for it. Keith doesn’t want her to travel to Los Diablos, a lawless area near ancient ruins that he’s visited during his Special Forces ops, and the place where his sister was killed years ago. As they grapple with family pressures and the exploding passion between them, their battle of wills may just lead them to the truth living in both their hearts.

April 1 Samhain is releasing PRIVATE MANEUVERS. Sometimes a woman craves, sometimes a man wants… When the two collide, its guarantee to pitch them straight into the danger lurking within the HOT ZONE. Marisa Clyde wants nothing to do with the soldier who is acting as a temporary bouncer in her uncle’s tavern. Stoic and over six feet of smoldering masculinity, the hunk helped rescue her during a tour gone bad in Mexico. During those few short moments after she first met him, the tension between them screamed off the charts. A devastating hurt in the past blocks her willingness to surrender to him. If she can wait him out now, he’ll only be in town a month and then he’s out of her life. Jake Sullivan watches Marisa like a hawk, well aware his need to protect is messing with his mind and making him care for Marisa way more than he should. Priding himself on clinical detachment in the game between man and woman, he figures once he’s slept with her, she’ll be out of his system for good. But that’s before he experiences her on a deeper level and learns she just might be in danger again.

In May Samhain releases CLOSE QUARTERS. When all hell breaks loose, sometimes you just need someone to cover you. Neena Williamson struggles to keep her high-pressure job from overwhelming her, and she thinks the demons of her past have long since disappeared. One night, she sees a man wearing the most hideous Hawaiian shirt on earth and vows he’d never fit her image of a hot bod for a local charity’s new hot male calendar. Then the evening erupts in violence, and he proves that first impressions can be dead wrong. Sometimes having a simple cup of coffee can turn into a complicated situation…Mitch Gilroy hides in plain sight, enjoying his low-key handyman job. His former life isn’t open for discussion, and Clarksville, Wyoming is the perfect place to find peace. Then a gunman forces his hand, and Mitch must remember everything he’s tried so hard to forget. Thrown together, Neena and Mitch quickly discover how tangled their emotions can become, and only by working together can they banish the monsters that haunt them and heal a lifetime of regrets.

There should be at least one more story in the HOT ZONE series. Stay tuned to my web page at and for all the news on this series and my other series and stand alone novels.

Hope you enjoyed a little sneak peek into what’s coming from the HOT ZONE. With these novellas I tried to convey a sense of homecoming and what that can mean to someone who has survived a dangerous situation. Plus, I wanted the character’s pasts to catch up with them in some way, to have them stretch and grow and discover it is possible to find love even when you least expect it. What types of stories make your blood race? Do you like stories set in dangerous situations, or do you prefer the more mundane and often more realistic home fire settings?